Kwame Safo Boateng - 5 Best exercises to become a stronger athlete
Kwame Safo Boateng - We all know how much exercise means to our body. About 50% of the people exercise, 15% of them are user athletes. Exercises are essential for your body as they help strengthen your heart and improve your circulation. Below are some best exercises for athletes.
According to Kwame Safo Boateng it's one of the most beneficial exercises for your health, burpees involve strengthening muscle groups, burning lots of calories, and improving cardiovascular fitness.
What it hits: The burpees works your arms, back, chest, core, glutes and legs
How to do this:
1) Start in a standing position. Bend your knees to a squatting position and place your hands flat on the ground in front of you.
2) Jump your legs straight out behind you and leave them there. You'll be in a push-up position at this point. Make sure you bring your chest to the ground.
3) Jump your legs back in so you're in a squatting position again.
4) Then, stand back up.
How much to do: 5 sets of 20 reps with 1-minute rest between sets.
Medicine Ball Toss
The medicine ball toss is great to help develop upper body and lower body strength. This multi-tasking muscle group helps burn fat from calories.
What it hits: upper body, shoulders, chest, biceps, triceps
How to do this:
1) Stand with feet hip width apart, bend slightly and hold the medicine ball in front of your chest with two hands.
2) Sit back in the squat position keeping the seating and the lower ball on the floor.
3) Stand with an explosive movement bouncing the ball above the head.
4) Hold the ball at chest level and sit back in a squat position. Repeat for the desired number of repetitions.
How much to do: Try each trick for 1 minute with no rest in between. Finally, take 1 minute to rest and then repeat if you want.
A lunge is a popular body-weight training exercise that can help you with your overall health, improve strength, flexibility, and balance. Lunges are ideal for those who want to become stronger athletes, including runners and cyclists.
What it hits: Hips, glutes, thighs
how to do this:
1) Keep your right foot forward and left foot back, about three feet apart.
2) Hold on a chair or wall for balance.
3) Bend the knees and keep them down towards the floor until the back knee is a few inches from the floor and the front knee is at a right angle. Keep your front knee behind the toes and be sure to lower straight down instead of forward.
4) Keep your torso upright and on the abs as you push through the front heel and return to the starting position.
How much to do: Perform this exercise 1–3 sets of 8–16 reps.
One-Arm Rope Cable Row
One-arm rope cable row is a very effective compound exercise that targets all back muscles. This exercise is done to develop strength rather than an aerobic rowing exercise.
What it hits: biceps, Back, core
How to do this:
1) Attach the single grip handle to the rowing station.
2) Then, sit on the bench and hold the handle with your left hand.
3) Now, sit on the back and pull your back muscles as much as possible backwards. Exhale during this part of the movement.
4) Slowly reverse the motion until your arms become straight.
5) Complete the ideal number of reps for practice.
6) Then, exercise with your right hand.
How much to do: 3 sets, 8-10 reps per hand, 90 seconds rest between sets
Dumbbell Clean and Press
Dumbbell Clean and Press it works for your forearms. This is a good exercise to improve grip strength. It helps you to increase muscle gain and knocks out bad moods, attitudes, and dispositions.
What it hits: Back, arms, calves, glutes, hamstrings, shoulders
How to do this:
1) Make sure that your tailbone is pressed down so that your pelvis is parallel to the floor. Tackle your core, pull your ribs down.
2) Press the overhead directly to lock out the weight while keeping your ribs down. Reverse the motion to bring the weight back to shoulder level, and then bend your hips back to the floor again.
How much to do: kwame safo boateng suggests doing the clean and press for sets of 3 to 6 reps.
About Kwame soafo Boateng
Kwame Safo Boateng grew up in Northern Virginia. His hobbies are video games, film, reading, programming and running. He is a runner so he spends most of the day doing exercise, when he is not exercise, he simply watches adventure movies. He specializes in data science.